Yahoo! is a web service provider which is known for its many products and services, which includes their search engine, e-mail, instant messaging, and video, but also contents their products in news, weather forecasting, money, and other information.
Steps to Sign Up for Yahoo! Account:
- To sign up for Yahoo account, you first need to click “Sign in”. You will be directed to the login screen to register for a new account.
- There you need to click “Create New Account” to proceed for further process.
- You will also have an option you must have an existing Yahoo account associated with your social media profile to log in this way.
- To sign up, you need to enter some of your basic personal information, including your name, sex, phone number, and birthday.
- Then, pick a Yahoo username followed by “ This will serve as your email address and then add a password. Your password must be between 8 and 32 characters, which must have both upper and lowercase letters, and at least one number.
- Then, you can click “Create Account” after you are sure that all of the information you’ve entered is correct.
- Then you will be directed to your account home page, from where you can access your email account, update your public profile, and browse a personalized collection of headlines and information from the web.
Steps to Login into Yahoo! Email Account:
- To login into your Yahoo! account, you can type in a Web browser.
- After that, you can click on the “Mail” icon which is in a purple envelope in the upper-right corner of the window.
- Then, enter your email address in the labeled field.
- And, then click on Next. After that, on the next page, you need to enter your password.
- After entering your details, click on Sign in button below the password field.
Steps to Reset Password of Yahoo! Email Account:
- You first need to for to the Sign in page of Yahoo account from
- Then you need to click on the “I don’t remember the password” from the password page. But you first need to enter your email address.
- Then, click on options for Password Recovery. You will get three options- Mobile phone number recovery, Alternative Email Address, and final one Secret Questions. You can use any option to reset the password.
- To recover password using Phone Number, follow the following steps:
- Go to the Sign-in Helper of your Yahoo account.
- Then, provide your valid email address or the phone number that you have used while creating the Yahoo account.
- Then, you will see the last two numbers of your phone number. Now click “Yes” for the verification code to be sent to your phone number.
- Then, enter that verification code in the field provided on the screen. And then click on the Verify button. It might take a few seconds to proceed.
- Now you can reset your password and then, Click Continue to proceed.
- To recover password using Email address, follow the following steps:
- First, Go to the > Password Helper
- Then, enter your email address or click I don’t know my Yahoo! email address.
- If you click No, I can’t receive any text. Then, you can add your alternate email address
- If you click Yes, email me. – A ‘Recover access to your Yahoo account” email will be sent to your alternate email address.
- Then, a verification code is sent to your email. Enter the verification code in the blank and click Submit.
- You can reset your password and then, Click Continue to proceed.
- To recover password using Secret question, follow the following steps:
Here, you need to answer a few secret questions, according to what you have filled up while creating this Yahoo account.
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